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"I was drawn to Caroline's warm, gentle and playful demeanor and felt immediately at ease with her in our first session. It wasn't what I had expected. There was no dismal re-hashing of my dating history and failed relationships etc. Instead, she guided me through a meditative and grounding experience, using breathing and voice.  It was very emotional for me. She helped me find again the part of myself that still hoped for and longed to find that special forever love someday. Caroline was so loving and supportive! She created a truly safe container for me to begin to process my old hurts and fears that have been blocking me from being open to love in my life. I have already had some amazing synchronicity related to just my first session with Caroline! Wow!"

 -- Laura, age 51, New Orleans

"My first impression of Caroline was a feeling of 'I can talk to this person' which is, from my perspective, the best foundation you can ask for with someone that you’re going to trust with your deepest feelings.
She’s also a great listener...she patiently listened to me holding great space and when it was time, she stepped in and lovingly guided me through the mirror exercise... She accompanied me through the emotional shifts and it felt great...It is soooo good to talk to somebody that “has been there, gotten the t-shirt” if you know what I mean. It’s just two people who understand each other because they’ve gone and are going through similar experiences, and it just so happens that one of them has a great tool that she can guide you through, to help you shift your perspective about some current things (which is the key to every journey, transformation and evolution in this life, from my point of view) so there is no judgement whatsoever. She even had time to squeeze in one of those TRUTHS. She said, in reality, we can never be hurt. And those words had power man....had real power to them.So all I can say is THANK YOU." 

-- Aida, Bali

"I’ve been healing all these years - through Pranic healing; healing my aura and chakras. But, I needed something more. Caroline showed me what I was missing. I was lacking the language to talk to my heart. I didn’t spend time with my heart and I didn’t know how to talk with her. Caroline showed me how to nurture my heart and to give her the loving she deserves... I want to come back to Caroline again and again. I trust her to guide me and redirect me when I get stuck or lose my way around. I feel safe to lay my head on Carolina’s lap and share my tears with her. Even though she is younger than me, I know she is wise and mature beyond her years. I feel that she was the coach and guru I’ve been waiting my whole life for. I feel that if I commit myself to this inner work, and choose her as my Coach, I will grow my leaps and bounds. I feel confident in Caroline."

-- Sugandha, Austin Texas

"If I had to pick one word to describe Caroline's work it would be - magical. She is an empathetic, intelligent, spiritual coach who guides your healing journey by using the power of your own voice. I am blown away by the insights and healing that Caroline has facilitated. She is truly gifted in her power of connecting with clients and gently guiding people in a spiritual and magnetic way. She is an angel among us and changing the world for the better with her work of helping people uncover their innate, God-given power and voice. Can't recommend her enough!"

– Kelly, Los Angeles

"Caroline’s voice therapy helped me to crack open my incredibly terrified, traumatized and shut down voice. They say the longest journey you will ever have is from the head to the heart. The secret is you gotta go through the throat."

– Alicia, Austin Texas

"Working with Caroline was a raw, yet beautiful experience. Her energy felt rather familiar to me, so upon diving deep into claiming aspects of myself that needed care, love and attention, I felt rather free to express in the forms that needed release. Caroline is gentle, yet her strength lies in knowing how to guide you through to your very own heart. I highly recommend working with Caroline. She is a kind, strong and loving presence that assists in DEEP healing."-

- Jaime, Portland

"Caroline is a wonderful soul and her session was fantastic. She is very grounded and patient as a coach.

Her energy and voice as a guide gave me a feeling of trust to go within. I really feel she is a perfect for these sessions. I would recommend her to anyone on this journey looking for coaching."

– Troy, Australia

"I’m not a performer but singing has always been a spiritual and enjoyable experience for me. Unfortunately, I’ve also suffered from inhibition and self-doubt around sharing and expressing my voice. When I discovered Caroline’s services for helping non-performers, I was excited to see if it could help. Not only has Caroline found a way to guide me back to an intimate relationship with my voice, she has done it in such a way that it’s truly fun and meaningful for me. Aside from my own spiritual gratification in accomplishing these goals, the lessons and homework have been challenging enough that real progress can be seen and heard from my friends and family and I find the confidence spilling over into all other areas of my life."

–Alice, North Carolina

"Private lessons with Caroline have changed my life. Once a musical theater kid, I started believing I "just couldn't sing" after my voice changed in puberty.  After the first lesson, I was hooked. After only a few, I noticed a profound difference in my self-perception and skill. Under Caroline's tutelage, I have been able to work through my emotional scar tissue around singing (and my larger perfectionist complex that spawned it), identify my strengths, trust my instincts, and remember, most of all, that singing is fun!"

– Dante, New York

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