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Transformative Voice Lessons

True voice from the heart

I come from a therapeutic, jazz, and musical theatre background when it comes to voice, singing in bands, recordings, plays, and choirs for all of my life. I am a graduate of the theatre programs at Northwestern University and the School at Steppenwolf, vocalist in Pardon My French! and the First Grace Gospel Choir, and studied under voice teachers Marie Michuda, Meggie George, and Shay Nichols. I've discovered that singing is not only enjoyable, but a powerful healing tool that is often blocked under fear or negative feedback. We work together with a mix of meditation, vocal technique, and fun to unlock the power of your own unique voice and give you tools to keep that connection no matter who is listening. Some of the benefits of working with me include:

  • increased confidence, inner sense of well-being

  • more ease, range, and power in the voice

  • tools for auditioning, songwriting, and public speaking

  • emotional release and re-connection through the voice

  • connection to Spirit, soul retrieval

  • increased creativity and sense of play

  • new love and trust of one's unique sound

  • breath support speaking and singing

  • exploration of simple meditation techniques

  • development of repertoire

  • opening and strengthening of the 5th chakra

In other words, sometimes the soul's gotta sing, and sometimes we need help letting it out. I just aid the process. If you would like to go on a journey with your voice as the guide, I couldn't recommend it more. The results will surprise you, money-back guaranteed!


– Caroline Fourmy, Vocalist, Ascension Coach, and Transformative Voice Practitioner


"Caroline’s voice work helped me to crack open my incredibly terrified, traumatized and shut down voice. They say the longest journey you will ever have is from the head to the heart. The secret is you gotta go through the throat."

– Alicia, Austin Texas

By participating in and reading my Voice Coaching Services (Heart Song Voice, you acknowledge that I am not a Licensed Psychologist or Health Care Professional and my services do not replace the care of Psychologist or other Health Care Professionals. Voice Coaching is in no way to be construed or substituted as Psychological Counseling or any other type of therapy or medical advice. If you feel you are experiencing a mental health crisis or are feeling suicidal, please immediately contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255

Transformative Voice Lessons


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